You can design a Squad Play Challenge for any Squad to go for any epic win. When you design a Challenge, you choose the Epic Win, daily Quests and Bad Guys to battle. Optionally, you can also create topics for the Ally Check-ins, and award a badge for Squad members completing the Challenge.
Here’s how to create your custom Challenge - in your host portal, choose Host Challenges in the left navigation. Then click on the Create a New Challenge button in the upper right corner. On the next screen add a Challenge name, image, description, Epic Win and select the main type of resilience it builds. If you choose, you can also add the name and image of a badge to award for completing the Challenge. Click continue and it’s time to enter the activities. You will add five Quests (one for each day), and two Bad Guys. A Bad Guy will appear in the player’s feed each day until it is vanquished. If the player vanquishes both Bad Guys before the end of the Challenge they will be prompted to create their own Bad Guy. Optionally, you can also add a custom Ally Check-in topic for each day. After activities are input they can be rearranged in a different sequence.