Ten minutes a day (or less) was shown to be effective for improving resilience, mental health and life skills in the published studies evaluating SuperBetter. We suggest that you play each day until you ‘Win the Day’ - which means activating 3 Power-ups, battling a Bad Guy, completing a Quest and checking in with an ally. Activities in SuperBetter are built on the principle of tiny steps, and completing the activities to Win the Day typically takes about 10 minutes. After you Win the Day, you can feel good about stopping, knowing you made progress toward your epic win. Of course, if you want to keep playing you can do that too.
P.S. After you play for a while, you’ll naturally start to see all of your life through the lens of the SuperBetter framework - you’ll see obstacles as your Bad Guys, goals as your Epic Wins to pursue, and activities that energize you as Power-ups. And, if you play with Squads, you may notice the gameful language appearing in your everyday conversations.